Meet Cologuard®
Cologuard® is a FDA approved prescription, noninvasive, colon cancer screening test, that uses sDNA (stool DNA) technology to help detect cancer and highest-risk precancers.

How Do I Use Cologuard®?
After your exam with Goals Healthcare you will receive a Cologuard prescription and the test kit box will then be delivered to your home.

Using the test is easy and requires only one stool sample. There is no special prep or need for time off and you donât have to make any changes to your diet or medication. Each kit comes with a prepaid and preaddressed UPS label. Simply follow the instructions on how to pack the kit, then ship it from any UPS location. Once the lab receives your kit, it will take about 3 weeks to receive the results.

How Was Cologuard® Developed?
Cologuard® was developed by Exact Sciences in collaboration with researchers at the Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. It went through extensive research and development, including a clinical study of 10,000 average risk study participants that validated the test's safety and efficacy in screening for colon cancer and precancer.

Is Cologuard® for Everyone?
Cologuard® is approved for use by those who are 50 years of age and older and those who are at average risk for colon cancer. Cologuard® may not be for everyone and is not a complete replacement for diagnostic or surveillance colonoscopy in high-risk individuals.